scutece sleepy

Scutece Sleepy Sensitive 3 Jumbo Midi

Sunt fabricate pentru primele luni ale bebelusului. Aceste scutece sunt destinate pentru bebelusi avand greutatea intre 3 si 6 kilograme.

In oferta noastra de produse se poate regasi categoria de scutece ieftine, ambalat economic, dar bineinteles putem servi in timp util orice solicitare cu exigenta calitativa la cele mai ridicate nivele. Un bebeluș zâmbește în medie de 200 ori pe zi, o femeie zâmbește în medie de 62 ori pe zi, iar un bărbat de circa 8 ori.
Să luăm exemplu de la cei mici. De la 2 cutii pretul este de 180 lei cutia. Descriere: Scutecele Mini sunt scutece ieftine pentru scutece sleepy nou nascuti.

scutecele sunt de calitate foarte buna, au elastic , nu provoaca alergii , nu curg, absorb foarte bine .
Sunati si convenim locul unde ne putem intilni !!! Cel mai bun pret daca gasiti mai ieftin ne intelegem
Scutece Sleepy marimea 3, 5-9kg, 70bucati- 180 lei
la 2 cutii pretul este de 170 lei cutia

scutecele sunt de calitate foarte buna, au elastic , nu provoaca alergii , nu curg, absorb foarte bine …
In caz de necesitate trimit prin rutierele de la gara de Nord
To date, probably all parents have heard about the unsurpassed properties of Japanese diapers, which carefully protect the delicate skin of the baby, protect it reliably from leaks, nowhere press, have a modern design, etc. It is therefore not surprising that not so long ago appeared in our market Japanese diapers Mamy Poko also found their regular customers and are in high demand. And in order for other mothers to get acquainted with these wonderful diapers closer, it is worth to tell in more detail about their composition, product range, sizes and much more. The manufacturer of these diapers is the famous Japanese company Unicharm, which many in our country know thanks to the very, very popular diapers Merries. However, the brand MamyPoko is considered more affordable, though not less quality.

One of the main advantages of these diapers is that the individual characteristics of children of different ages are taken into account. It is taken into account:

changes in the growth and weight of babies;
gradual increase in the activity of children and the acquisition of various motor skills;
change in the composition and amount of stool.